CollegeHumor. The Website. The Book.

Posted by wanes day
CollegeHumor The Website The Book

Dear Loyal Fans,

Guess what? Our third book, "CollegeHumor. The Website. The Book." is finally out for release! That means an action-packed, 266-paged Grade A time-waster. And not any time-waster, folks. This one's filled with some of our best and brightest ideas over the past ten years with beautifully illustrated articles that'll make you ooh with your ahhs and hahs.

We'll be featuring such favorites as Drunk-O-Vision, Great Hysterical Pickup Lines, and Honest Cyber Sex, as well as Facebook News Feeds, Employee Manuals, and more. From timely and topical to downright dirty, this book has everything you could ask for in an anthology.

No longer will you have to deal with Internet outages in boredom. No longer will you be subjugated by printing out your favorite articles to hang on the wall. No longer will you have to imagine what would happen if The Bible Had Comments (Page 170). We've done it all for you, so thanks again for your continued commitment to CollegeHumor. Without you, we'd most certainly be working as pity-hires for our Dad's friend.

CollegeHumor: The Website. The Book. Buy Now

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BustedTees, and Indiebound.

Published by Da Capo Press


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